2024 has come to its end and this year was a bit of a busy one re the blog, sort of. On average, one article per month was posted. Except for December, so a total of 11 posts were uploaded. The number one post for the year is my commentary on the Governor General's relevance, the article published in November has 737 views, making it the number one post of the 11 posted this year. The lowest in February was a comment on the use of Nitrogen to execute a man in the US. It got 412 views.
A look back shows that the blog did really well, getting 16K in views. The breakdown looks like this.
— Average monthly page views, 1300 views.
— Average Unique visits per month, 1000
— First time visits, 1000 per month
— And about 3 returning visitors per month
September was the best month.
2,503 Page views 1,744 Unique Visits 1,741 First time Visits 3 Returning
Visits to the site broke down as follows:
First Time Visitors 12,350
1-5 Returning Visits 19
6-10 Returning Visits 1
10+ Returning Visits 1
The time spent on the blog is very critical, and I am happy, to see such good results.
Hits Session Length
9313 Less than 5 secs1163 From 5 secs to 30 secs2013 From 30 secs to 5 mins5 From 5 mins to 20 mins1 From 20 mins to an hour1 Longer than an hour
2013 From 30 secs to 5 minutes is right in the middle. The so-called sweet spot. This metric points to the fact that people are actually reading posts. Looking at the 20 minutes as well as the longer than an hour stat could mean many things, like people parking and leaving the site up, or possibly, someone scraping the site.
Most of the visits were from the US. In fact, the bulk of them were.
90% of the 16k views were from the US.
Canada, a mere 36 views accounting for less than 1%
Here is the kicker, the next largest view ratio 3% is from the Russian Federation with 488 views total.
So, to say the least, the blog has done very well. And I am pleased to say that the growth continues. 16,000 is the largest so far since launch in 2009. To date, the blog has over 51,000 views. I can thank everyone enough for making Candid Conversations a success.
So what is next? The blog format has changed. As you can see, it's now more comments oriented, and that will be the direction going forward. The interviews are now done on Candid Conversations Zoomed In and Video Comments. The comments will be more or less changed to focus on interesting facts and will even be re-titled. More on that when I do my next post on the site. You can visit the channel via this link.
Thanks again for being a part of Candid Conversations, I hope you will come back soon, and I wish all of your happiness in 2025.
Most of the visits were from the US. In fact, the bulk of them were.
90% of the 16k views were from the US.
Canada, a mere 36 views accounting for less than 1%
Here is the kicker, the next largest view ratio 3% is from the Russian Federation with 488 views total.
So, to say the least, the blog has done very well. And I am pleased to say that the growth continues. 16,000 is the largest so far since launch in 2009. To date, the blog has over 51,000 views. I can thank everyone enough for making Candid Conversations a success.
So what is next? The blog format has changed. As you can see, it's now more comments oriented, and that will be the direction going forward. The interviews are now done on Candid Conversations Zoomed In and Video Comments. The comments will be more or less changed to focus on interesting facts and will even be re-titled. More on that when I do my next post on the site. You can visit the channel via this link.
Thanks again for being a part of Candid Conversations, I hope you will come back soon, and I wish all of your happiness in 2025.