Sunday, August 21, 2022

Candid Pick - Weird Houses Weird Album Covers Weird Clothing

Ok my poor brain is hurting looking at these but, I am also laughing as well.  The Daily Funny has some pretty funny stuff and yes weird stuff too.

Cringe Worthy Houses, O M G the homes pictured here are just gah my gawd really really awful looking, so much so that it is kind of funny.  One example shows a bathroom with tall grass like turf in it.  Others with stairs that are not correctly set and some homes are just wow UUUUUUGLY.

Ok art  is subjective even in the world of music.  I will give these artists one thing, they certainly showed that they are creative.  Fleetwood Mac and Gary top the list with their album covers for Getting Down to Business.  The photo and the music are cheesy nuff said.  Ass for Fleetwood, Mac Mystery To Me.  Creative that is all I will say.  Then again what can you say about an ape eating a cake a book and doing that on a beach.  NOTHING absolutely Nothing.

This last one really, I have to say is funny.  People out shopping in some pretty wild looking clothing.  Some I bet were encouraged to don the apparel listed in these photos.  And there you have 3 links to one site featuring some rather interesting photos of places things and people.  All from the Daily Funny at You will see more from this site posted by me down the road.  

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Candid Comment - ODSP, The Reasons Why I Thank God I Have Job

In Ontario there is a program that permits persons with disabilities to have some income to live on.  It's actually quite a bad joke.  The rate stands at 1169 and is set to increase to 1227 in a few weeks.  The minister responsible for the program came across looking dimwitted in a recent news conference.  He clearly knows that a 5% increase does not make a difference in the lives of those on the program but he and premier Doug Ford insist that they understand the environment.  The man makes 10x the amount per annum.  The Premier comes from a relatively wealthy background.  165,000.00 per year vs an ODSP recipient who makes 14,000.00.  Who does the minster think he is kidding.  Ontario rental rates have ballooned to incredible heights and the best a person on ODSP can do is rent a room or live with someone as a roommate.  As for food and medical expenses it comes down to choice eat, get meds, or pay rent. In effect ODSP has become like a jail for it's clients.  They are locked into a world of poverty that they can almost never get out of.   

My mother, God rest her soul, wanted me to go back on to ODSP.  The conversation did not go well.  The point is that no one lives on ODSP you EXIST you do not live on it.  It is a poison pill for the disabled in Ontario.  It is for that reason I choose to work because I can despite the fact that I am visually impaired and entitled to be on the program.  I simply could not live on ODSP.  It's also very difficult to get on the program, it's also so restrictive that you can do very little while on it.  Every action one takes is subject to scrutiny, you loose your privacy on the program.  For example, you have to let your caseworker know if you are going to leave the service area for a period of time, generally a month.  So you can not really take a vacation.  The program allows for the government to look at your banking, so buying an item like a pizza could be questioned.  In other words it's a system that ensnares the disabled into a life of poverty and misery. The thing is that is not what it was set up to do and it is not what social workers want for clients. For the record I have been on the program and thankfully at the time was in a geared to income housing unit.  Had I not been well you get the point.

To be fair to the government the challenges they have are great.  There is so much right now to deal with that ministers are probably very overwhelmed.  But, just as companies and people have to step back and decide what is priority and what is not so does government.  Sorry Douggie that highway project may have to wait a bit.  

Seeing what ODSP offers does give one pause to consider this, if you have a job and you are disabled, be thankful.  I know that I am as I am able to avoid the jail that has become ODSP.  For the rest who have to rely on the system it appears that the Ford government is standing pat no more than 5%.  I think I know why the disabled are getting shafted like this. Simply most persons with disabilities do not vote or at least that is the perception.  Society has this outdated idea that people with disabilities who can work do not want to and those who can not work are OK with a few bucks to keep themselves fed and somewhat housed.  Most people with disabilities do not push back on the government.  Some do but it is not enough to make a difference.  And the majority who do want to push back do not because they fear retribution from the government.  It is not hard to go into a system and exit a so called trouble maker off the program is what many disabled persons on the program think.  So they just say and do nothing to engage.  ODSP in effect takes away agency and undermines the disabled persons right to fully participate in democracy.  

So what is the answer.  Well the first step is to get real about the rate.  In actual terms one needs at least 2000 or more to live in Ontario it would be better to have 2500.  Secondly if we are going to keep the rate low allow the disabled who can work and those who can not work to get income from other sources with no penalty up to 2000 dollars right now you are only allowed 200 each month.  Here is another kicker for you to consider that may need a change.  In order to be allowed to apply for benefits.  You have to scale down your net worth.  This means you must use any RRSPs and in effect liquidate any assets down to a certain level.  Here is the thing while it is true you can own your home, you can have a car and are allowed assets they can not be very high and to an extent that is reasonable.  The problem is most people with s disability are not worth a lot of money and allowing for 200 a month would mean it would take one 16 years to get 40,000 dollars which is not counted by ODSP.    

What is the point of this post?  Simply to start the conversation about ODSP reform and possibly OW reform.  The Ford government needs to invite engagement with the disabled who are on the program.  The solution is not  direction from government but rather, it is direction to government to reform a system that is not effective.  It is time to get serious and talk with the disabled about ODSP.  It's time to look at ways to allow clients to gain income without penalty while ensuring that the program does what is supposed to which is supporting the end user.  If the government wants to maintain the 5% increase then the reforms in how much a person is allowed to earn while on the program needs to be changed.  Things like the spouse in the house rule has to go and other reforms that balance the system so that it stops being a cesspool of poverty and one that actually does help need to be considered and actioned.  This program does not work and has not for too long.  The question is, is anyone listening and willing to take action?

The first step of course is education.  Check out Steps to Justice at  The site has some good explainers on what ODSP allows.  You can also learn more about the program by visiting the Ontario Disability Support Program website.  And if you want to start the journey and learn what the issues around ODSP are start with this GOOGLE search.  For the record social workers do a fantastic job overall when it comes to helping clients on ODSP, the challenge for government on this file is real and I do believe there are some really good people in government who want things to be better for the disabled.  That said as mentioned, it's time to talk with not at the disabled.  

Friday, August 12, 2022

Candid Conversations - Zoomed In With George Siegal - The Last House Standing Documentary

This video features George Siegal a documentary producer and director. He created a documentary called the Last House Standing. This doc is about the how weather and other disasters mixed with poorly built homes leads to massive losses for the victims who must pick up the pieces. The cycle keeps repeating and will only get worse if we do not change how homes are built. is is where you can find more information. George spoke with me via Zoom from his location in Tampa FL.
Below is the link to the YouTube video.  This is a video that may be disturbing to some audiences discretion is advised.

The documentary can be found on Tubi.  

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Candid Pick - World Happiness Report


Ok this is interesting, there is an organization that surveys people in up to 150 countries with respect to happiness.  That is an interesting thing given that there are a lot of not so happy people out there.  

The report covers a range of topics and is global in scope.  This is a deep dive report and there are 158 pages so it is not a light read.  To see the actual report you want to connect via this link,  I took a quick dive into the report but, did not fully read it.  Needless to say it is very detailed.  

Another interesting note is the fact that the report had been issued yearly.  The idea began in 2012 and this the 10th year the report has been published.  This pick is a real geek thing, if you are into stats and reports you will find this an interesting read.  That said, enjoy and thanks for visiting the blog