Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Candid Comment - The Top Interview of 2021


Well here we are nearing the end of 2021.  Candid Conversations has really done well this year.  A new Feature has been added to the site and for December it is the highlight.  Called Candid Comment it is essentially an addition to the site as I am closing My Point Your Point down.  There are with this article excluded 4 of them on the blog.  Which means we have for 2021 13 interviews that were done.  Which is really nice to see.  The blog nearly saw a record in traffic coming through close to 5000 views according to Google.  Stat Counter shows count of about 3100, this is due to the fact that the log got filled and older data was removed so technically Google is the correct one to look at.  But, I use the stat counter count so not a record like 5600 that was seen in 2017, but not bad at all.  

The number 1 interview for 2021 ranks in at 118 views and yes the links to the person are still active.  It's an article that was posted in 2011.  Robert Barrows spoke with me about his grave marker that features a video screen.  Check the article out and his website which is listed in it. 

Candid Conversations Interview, #1 for 2021 - 118 views

Robert Barrows In a Candid Conversation About Video Enhanced Gravemarkers

I will be looking around in January 2022 for new conversations and am also planning a Patreon for the site and possibly a Youtube or podcast featuring Candid Conversations.

Thank you for reading the blog please come back and if you are interested in doing a Candid Conversation write me at

Happy New Year!