Sunday, August 21, 2022

Candid Pick - Weird Houses Weird Album Covers Weird Clothing

Ok my poor brain is hurting looking at these but, I am also laughing as well.  The Daily Funny has some pretty funny stuff and yes weird stuff too.

Cringe Worthy Houses, O M G the homes pictured here are just gah my gawd really really awful looking, so much so that it is kind of funny.  One example shows a bathroom with tall grass like turf in it.  Others with stairs that are not correctly set and some homes are just wow UUUUUUGLY.

Ok art  is subjective even in the world of music.  I will give these artists one thing, they certainly showed that they are creative.  Fleetwood Mac and Gary top the list with their album covers for Getting Down to Business.  The photo and the music are cheesy nuff said.  Ass for Fleetwood, Mac Mystery To Me.  Creative that is all I will say.  Then again what can you say about an ape eating a cake a book and doing that on a beach.  NOTHING absolutely Nothing.

This last one really, I have to say is funny.  People out shopping in some pretty wild looking clothing.  Some I bet were encouraged to don the apparel listed in these photos.  And there you have 3 links to one site featuring some rather interesting photos of places things and people.  All from the Daily Funny at You will see more from this site posted by me down the road.