Many within various churches feel that it is their God given right to say no to certain parts of the law and that they do not have to obey these laws take for example public health orders. Many in churches across Canada and indeed the United States do not endorse or even go as far as to denounce restrictions and masking mandates as anti Christian and choice and in so doing encourage breaking the laws and rules. Some Christians have gone as far as to harass health care professionals and others who support measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 and it's variants. These entitled so called Christians should take a reality check and actually read what the Bible says about obeying the government and the laws that are in place.
In the Romans Chapter 13, verses 1 through 7 it's clearly stated that the government is empowered by God and the officials are to be respected and obeyed. There is no ambiguity everyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus must also respect the government, pay taxes to support it and treat those who enforce laws, police and judges, with dignity and honor.
That does not mean being mindless automatons. Christians are supposed to uphold standards that are morally very high and should point out when leaders and those under them are not doing the correct thing. There are many legal avenues to show discontent with laws and behaviors that do not fit the model of responsible government. Expressing concern and challenging authority does have its place but it also has its limits. Christians are not entitled or special when it comes to the law and rule of government. In fact they are are expected to be humble servants of God respecting those in authority, praying for them and helping them do the job of governing and that includes paying taxes as well as obeying the laws that are in place.