Monday, July 8, 2024

Candid Comment - Time To Go Joe - Bye Bye Trudeau

In North America, there are two leaders facing some serious pushback from their citizens as well as within their respective parties. They are, of course, Justin Trudeau of Canada and Joe Biden of the U.S.  These two leaders are desperately trying to hold on to power for different reasons. But, the bottom line is their respective sands of time are fast running out. The clock on their time in the office they hold is about to chime midnight, and the exit stage looms large. Both still want to continue in their roles. 

While it is noble to want to continue to serve, it's just as noble to know when your service is done. Understanding that there is a time to say I am done, the work is finished, is just as important as continuing on in a role. The problem is that these two gentlemen do not realize, or maybe they do not want to realize, that the best before date has long since been passed on their time in office. Now it is time to hang it up and ride off into the sunset or to the next thing. Each has done well in office, Mr. Trudeau helped Canada through the pandemic, and Joe Biden restored stability in America after the years of the three - ring circus that was the Trump presidency.

It is understandable that Joe Biden wants to ensure another Trump defeat, after all, the U.S. did not look so good during the years that the Donald was in office. And for Mr. Trudeau, the idea of setting a record and winning another election is not wrong, we all have goals and want to see if we can achieve them, and Trudeau is no different. But, knowing when to end it is just as important as knowing when to continue. 

For Joe Biden, it is the age factor and that horrible debate he had. It was crystal clear that he just does not have the mental capacity to lead the United States. Simply put, Mr. Biden is not fit for the role. There is no reason to dive deeper into why this is, it's clear his mental capabilities are diminished, and he cannot function at the level needed to do the job. Being old is not a crime, nor is it a bad thing. But, one needs to come to terms with the reality that they can no longer cut it in certain aspects of life due to age and health constraints. Being brave enough to admit that and let others help you or knowing it is time to leave your role and move on to the next thing or just ride off into the sunset and enjoy retirement. These are signs that you are mature enough to know when to go on and when to stop and pivot away to the next thing. This is what Joe Biden has to take to heart and understand. It's time to go, Joe, it's time to go.

As for Mr. Trudeau, politics can be rough and there are times when sticking it out is very much the thing to do. This is not one of them. The polls widely suggest a change is in order, and pride needs to be set aside, sure it would be cool to win another election, to extend the Trudeau legacy. Buddy, this isn't it. Time is up, and the electorate have made it obvious that the Liberal reign is coming to an end if you stay on. The only true way to see your party continue in power, possibly, is to remove yourself from leadership and let a new person run for PM. The last thing the Trudeau brand needs is to be remembered as a pompous, arrogant bunch who did not get the message that it is time to move on and let another breed of politician take the reins. It's bye by time sir, simple, straightforward. Your time is up, you're done. Be proud of what you accomplished, move on because if you do not, you will be ousted by the electorate in a humiliating defeat and your party could suffer for a long time because of your ambition. Be fair to you and fair to your team and this great country you have served well, move on!