Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Candid Comment - The Art Of Balance And AI

Welcome back, I recently heard a story about the pope being concerned about AI. The tech certainly has its pros and cons. It's also worth noting that at this time, humans control the tech. Couple this with social media and other communication tools like text and phone calls as well as the media and a question of balance comes into the conversation. AI is here to stay but, it is not a living thing like we are. It is a tool, a piece of tech that can bridge ideas and with technologies and enhance lives, it can also create a mess. To give you an idea of what I mean, take a look at some of the photos found via Google of the Pope. Bizarre is the only word that applies to these photos. Just as bizarre as having a dog with 20 legs, which by the way you can create with AI. Mind you, that would work well in a sci-fi flick, but in real life no. Ai has other problems too. It dreams up things that are not true and spits out bias and inaccurate information. So why does that happen.

AI is a creation of humans, humans are by nature a fallible bunch, we screw up. We also have bias built in from our history, ala our parents. The people behind AI have created a tech that goes out into the world, so to speak, and gathers data. That data can get polluted by information that is inaccurate and biased. Moreover, humans can influence the output AI offers, we can tell it to do something like create a dog with 7 heads, and it will do that. However, we can also ask it to provide feedback on a subject and that info can be returned in an inaccurate manner because the machine sometimes guesses and offers what is in its estimation is the best answer.

AI can be useful, but there needs to be a balance. The human touch needs to be there to ensure that the AI actually does what it is intended to and offers the most accurate data to the end user. There are many ways AI can be effectively used. For example, I asked ChatGPT where the most affordable place to live is re rents in Canada. Now the data it based answers on is 2 years old, but, apparently Winnipeg tops the list, ah ya nice city, but very cold in winter and hot muggy and buggy in the summer. I will pass. Now I asked about and got back answers based on questions related to data from statistics. A person can get AI to write a book, but it may not be the best authored or feature things that the writer did not intend to showcase.

Ai is great at helping plan create and organize, but not so great beyond that. So really it should be used as a tool to do things that relate to doing the organizing, creating a plan or create and idea or thing. We then should take that info and build the creation, use the organized things as intended and follow the plan laid out. AI also needs to be placed in the background, and it should be carefully monitored and managed. The point simply put is that we should not lean on AI to solve all our problems and do all of our tasks. We are thinking beings, and we should use our brain power along with the tech to solve problems, plan and organize our lives. Being lazy is not healthy, and AI will get us into that unhealthy lifestyle if we let it. Something to think about, wouldn't you agree? 

Hey, please keep in mind there is a YouTube channel I have called Candid Conversations, Zoomed in and Comments Videos. Take a look at the comments and conversations I have posted there. See you soon, and thanks again for reading this blog.

By the way, there was new coverage about the Pope's reaction to AI.

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