Saturday, December 17, 2022

Candid Comment - Christmas

Generally speaking, I am OK with Christmas. I used to really like this time of year, but it has waxed wane for me in recent years. One thing, though, that will drive me nuts at this time of year is Christmas music. I enjoy many genuinely nice songs, but for every nice one, three make me want to vomit. These are horrid to listen to, and I do my best to avoid them. Thankfully one fate I have been spared from is having to be on the air at a radio station playing an endless stream of Christmas music or airing sad Christmas stories. Back in the 90s, I was in radio. I felt so bad for my fellow broadcasters who had to sit in control rooms for hours playing the same songs repeatedly for a month and having to read or play the same stories every day. I prefer small music doses and generally enjoy hanging out with family and friends. One day of Christmas full on is OK with me, but a month ah, NO.

This year I have to give credit to my sister Kathleen who is hosting a party. At this event no booze and no gift exchange. I like that. Nothing is more uncomfortable than going to a party dressed in everyday clothing. In contrast, others don their nicest digs, and they show up with a load of gifts, and you have none to give. I have been there, and it's not fun. Then seeing one or two people get drunk and start a fuss, now there is the topper, and yes, I have seen that too. Nor is going to a party and seeing others get a lovely gift and you get thanks for coming or, worse, ignored. I attended one Christmas party, and that actually happened to me. The cab ride home on the company tab could be considered a gift. LOL, well, it was better than nothing.

To be fair, I have been to Christmas events where I had a blast. With family and with work colleagues. There have been years when Christmas was really fun, and I enjoyed a great meal, shared some quality time with people, and offered a gift and got one too. One year back in the 80s, a family invited me to their home after the midnight church service. I was shocked, and I had nothing to offer them. Despite that, I felt welcomed in their home, and they got me a lovely basket of food. A perfect gift! I have never forgotten that. The turner family in Greenfield Park, Quebec, showed the true meaning of Christmas that year.

Back in 86, I was able to give gifts to some of our guests at my home here in Hamilton. I lived with my mom and stepdad, Bill. I had the pleasure of buying gifts for some of the guests who came to our home for dinner during Christmas. It was nice to be able to do that.

And yes, I have been on shift during Christmas. Once, I was in security back in 86 and several times in my current role as a call centre employee. So I do appreciate those working on Christmas. Police, fire ambulance, doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. Store staff and, city employees and, the military. For many having to work on Christmas is slow and quiet, but for others, it is a busy time and, for others, the worst time of the year. I know of a few people who have no love of this time of year because of the job they do. Oh, they love the job and helping people, but there are situations where people are ugly, and those having to deal with them at this time of the year have to push through and get past those moments. My uncle Mike, God rest his soul, was a police officer who served with the Montreal Police department (Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal). Christmas was not one of his favorite days. I probably would feel the same way if I had to deal with drunks, fatalities, and other unpleasant situations. Oh, wait, I do. Yes, I have had to deal with some really nasty people on the phone at this time of the year. Fun times, eh NO. So I tip my Santa hat off to them and the other working folk who have to handle the not-so-nice stuff at this time of year. Thanks, what you do is appreciated.

What I am saying here is that Christmas is not a favorite time for some people, so what should we do to help make things better for them?

Here are some tips. These are things I appreciate. And I think others would too. I am no professional in psychology, but I know these things work for me.

1. Space, just enough to let one breathe. One thing I appreciate, especially this time of year, is a bit of alone time, especially when I first get in from work. Space is the best thing you can give to someone who deals with the public at this time of the year. The last thing I want, and I am sure others want, is to deal with another problem right away when they enter the house. If it can wait, hold off on asking for things to be done and from handing a laundry list of to-dos and problem-solving requests. Unless urgent your to do and problem can wait some time. Trust me on this one; offering space to decompress will benefit you and them in the long run.

2. 24-hour Christmas music and an all-decked-out house are nice, but you may want to leave a space where none of that is there, or you may want to tone down the tunes and decorations. The malls and other buildings at this time of year are lit up, and the music is pumped up. Retail workers really, really do not like this past a week. So while it's cool to deck out the house and play the tunes, remember to tone that down or at least turn it off for an hour or two. Even one or two days without all that Christmas noise and during the holidays to give someone in your family who has to be in that environment all day some respite from Christmas overload is helpful.

3. Do not put people in an awkward place. Many people can not afford to give a gift or may come to a party in their everyday clothes. Be kind, and do not single them out. Include them and let them know they are welcome and engaged with other guests. The best gift at the party is no gift other than good food and company. I do not suggest gift exchanges and am pleased when I hear that there are none. The only exception is for close family and kids.

4. Thank you goes a long way. No need to explain this one, but it is still nice to hear; thank you for working today during the Christmas season. Especially on the 24th and 25th.

5. Lastly, some people have experienced trauma from an event at this time of year, like a job loss, divorce, and even death. On or off-the-job trauma can lead to a real downturn in Christmas spirit. Acknowledging that is important. But I also suggest not indulging in either. Leave some space for those who have or are in pain to feel again and heal. It takes time to get over things, even at Christmas.

The things I have just mentioned I have been touched with, and I want to express that, for the most part, Christmas for me is full of giggles and happiness. However, things that happened in the past have caused that spirit to be not as strong as when I was much younger. So I appreciate the following. Space. A low-key approach to Christmas. Being welcomed no matter my look or if I have nothing in hand when I go to a party. Being thanked by customers for working especially if I am on duty on the 24th and 25th and for the space to feel the hurt when something not so nice has come my way recently. Now for those who are like me. I hope you have a good Christmas and that your experience with the holiday will improve and that you will warm up to this time of the year. And with that, I want to wish all who read this the very best. Merry Christmas / Happy holidays.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Candid Conversations - Zoomed In - Rent The Chicken - Co-Founder Homestead Jenn Lays Some Knowledge Re Renting Chickens

Oh the jokes and puns, they abound in this fun dive into the world of renting chickens with Jenn from Rent the Chicken.  She and her husband have been renting out chickens since 2014 and I originally wanted to do an interview with them last spring, but we just could not connect.  But, I saw and email in my inbox and I got cracking and sent out a request to get her here on Candid Conversations.  And voila, just like a well timed egg we cooked up a really great chat about renting chickens.

To find out more visit or .ca if your in Canada.  

Jen mentioned two books that are authored about cooking up eggs and how to make the best of your experience with chickens in the backyard.

Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs published by Singe Langford can be found at 

Fresh Eggs Daily is authored by Lisa Steele, her site  is at

Jenn Mentioned that there are hundreds of breeds, she was not kidding here is a list of them from Wikipedia

To get in touch with Jenn and her team or to connect with the nearest affiliate head over to or

Now here is the interview which is on the YouTube Channel.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Candid Comment - Video Edition - FIFA World Cup - GO CANADA

Canada qualified and is in the World Cup in Qatar.  They have played against Belgium and lost 1 nil.  But that should not be considered a failure.  In fact the idea of Canada actually being in the World Cup is an amazing feat and one that all of Canada should be proud of.  In this short commentary I dive into why I think it is a win for Canada despite the loss against Belgium.

One thing of note is that Qatar has not had an easy go of it.  The nation has faced stiff criticism re it's morality laws, and it's labor record and of course what is going on in Iran.  While it is important to address the concerns it's also important that the players focus on the play not the politics.  With that out of the way here are a few links and the connection to the video on YouTube.

All except one link are Wikipedia pages.

FIFA, Canada men's national soccer team, and World Cup 2026.

The Sporting News article on who has won most World Cups


Thanks for stopping by. Please come back for more content.  Also if you want to do a Candid Conversations via email or Zoom please reach out to me at  

Cliff T.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Candid Conversations - Dr. Gareth Carrol Psycholinguist / Author of Jumping Sharks ad Dropping Mics Drops Some Knowledge About Idioms

I bet you can’t go a day without using an idiom. What? An idiom, what the heck is that? Well here is an example of one to explain it. Going forward, which means from now on do this or that thing. So it would be used like this. Going forward, lunch will be from 1 to 2 for all staff. In his book Jumping Sharks and Dropping Mics: Modern idioms and where they come from, Dr. Gareth Carrol a Senior Lecturer in Psycholinguistics at the University of Birmingham in the UK dives into the world of idioms and explains them and their origins. Dr. Carrol welcome and thanks for doing a Candid Conversation.

Dr. Carrol.: Thanks for having me! I always enjoy talking about idioms and, as you say, we all use them all the time, so it’s a fun topic to investigate.

Cliff T.: I heard speaking about idioms on a podcast recently and I thought that is interesting. The idea that we use idioms pretty much on a daily basis was a surprise to me and I must admit I never really thought about them until now. One that drives me nuts to this day is going forward. I had a boss who was famous for using that idiom almost daily. I bet being a person who looks at these things really causes you to notice idioms more than most people.

Dr. Carrol.: Yes, absolutely. I’ve been studying idioms as a part of a wider set of what linguists call “formulaic phrases” for about 10 years now, so I’m pretty well-attuned to them. I’m not sure I personally would call “going forward” an idiom, but it’s definitely a formulaic phrase that people say (and most people understand) but that can seem quite cliched and over-used.

Cliff T.: Why idioms what got you interested in doing a book about them?

Dr. Carrol.: It was a bit of an accident really. I did my Masters degree in Nottingham, UK about 10 years ago and one of the classes I took included some material on formulaic phrases and idioms, and how we make sense of them from a psycholinguistic point of view. I found it really interesting and when it came time to do a PhD, started thinking about ways to investigate this. Once I then started teaching I taught a class where I asked students to think about idioms that they used in their daily life, and it occurred to me that there are plenty of “modern” idioms that have entered the language in the recent past that we might want to pay attention to. The book came from there really.

Cliff T.: Has writing the book caused you to notice idioms more often?

Dr. Carrol.: Oh definitely. It’s always nice when I hear one of the idioms from the book being used “in the wild”, as it proves that they actually are idioms that are in common use! It’s a funny mix though. As you said at the start, we all use idioms on a regular basis, so we speak idiomatically a lot, but individual idioms might be quite rare. Think of a phrase like “raining cats and dogs”. Everyone knows what means (at least in the UK they would), but I can’t think of the last time I actually heard anyone use it (I’m not sure I ever have!)

Cliff T.: Jumping Sharks and Dropping Mics these two are very famous idioms, I have used them myself. Another that also is a favorite of mine is knowing is half the battle. Which of course means knowing what’s going on is half the challenge. That brings me to my next question what are idioms meant to do, why do we use them?

Dr. Carrol.: So this raises two really interesting questions about how we use language. First, why do we use “non-literal” language at all, like idioms, metaphors, and other figures of speech? Idioms like “kick the bucket” or “jump the shark” are obviously figurative, in the sense that they aren’t supposed to be interpreted literally. It turns out that metaphor is a really pervasive part of how we think and therefore how we structure our language. Even your example from before – going forward – would be an example of a metaphor, as it thinks about time passing as if it is movement through physical space. So speaking “non-literally” and drawing comparisons between things is a key part of how we communicate. The second question is, why do we speak in such a formulaic way? We could be infinitely creative and come up with colorful new metaphors each time we wanted to speak, but that would be exhausting! So using well-established phrases makes communication easier and more efficient, and also helps to establish a sense of group solidarity: if we all use the same phrases, we clearly all belong to the same “team”.

Cliff T.: Dr. Carrol this book sounds like it was quite the challenge considering the vast number of idioms out there. How did you go about selecting the idioms you wanted to use for Jumping Sharks?

Dr Carrol: There are already lots of good books and websites out there that give lists of idioms. Generally, these are phrases that have been in the language for a long time (phrases like “kick the bucket” go back hundreds of years). I wanted my focus to be modern idioms, so I focused on phrases that have come into English in perhaps the last 50 years or so, and specifically from sources like TV, movies, internet, etc. One big advantage here is that we can track these much more accurately, from first printed usage, to how they have come to be used in print and online. For example, we know that “jump the shark” relates back to an episode of Happy Days (where one of the main characters, Fonzie, jumped over a shark on a pair of water skis), and we know the first time this phrase was used, in the 1980s. Other phrases we can trace back to specific movies, such as “Groundhog Day”, so we have a really clear idea of when they first emerged and how they have developed since.

Cliff T.: Is there a proper way or time to use an idiom?

Dr. Carrol.: I think all idioms are to a degree context-specific. So the example I keep using – “kick the bucket” – is quite a tongue-in-cheek way of saying “die”. Obviously you wouldn’t expect a doctor to come out and break bad news to someone by telling them that their loved one had “kicked the bucket”. So there are certainly what we would call “pragmatic” rules that tell us when it might be appropriate to use different idioms. We tend to have lots of idioms for death and sex, for instance, that vary in terms of their formality, what kind of company you might use them in, etc.

Cliff T.: I have to ask what do you do as a Pyscholinguist?

Dr. Carrol.: I have one foot in linguistics and one foot in psychology, so a good way to think about it is that I was originally a linguist, interested in studying language and how it works, and became interested in the tools that people use in psychology research to understand how we process language, i.e. how our brains make sense of language in real time. I do a lot of experimental work where I set up studies and record how people read a piece of text (usually containing idioms!) to see what factors make this easier or harder, then use this to work out what must be happening in the brain for them to make sense of what they’ve read. It’s a lot of fun!

Cliff T.: What got you interested in linguistics?

Dr. Carrol.: I originally went to university to study French and had to take linguistics at the same time, but quickly became much more interested in that side of things. So it was not entirely planned, but I always loved studying English language at school and it came very naturally to me. My mother was an English teacher too, which probably helped.

Cliff T.: Will there be a sequel to the book?

Dr. Carrol.: I hope so. I’ve already started gathering a new list of idioms so I’ll need to wait until I have enough to make it worth writing. Since there are new phrases emerging all the time, hopefully it’s an ongoing project!

Cliff T.: Where can people find Jumping Sharks and Dropping Mics?

Dr. Carrol.: You can find out more about the book on my website( or Twitter (@Modern_Idioms), and there are links on there to various places you can buy it. You should hopefully also be able to order it through your local bookshop, or via the usual online retailers.

Cliff T.: Dr. Carrol it’s been interesting and fun to speak with you about this interesting form of language today, thanks for taking the time to do a Candid Conversations interview.

Dr. Carrol.: Thanks a lot!

Dr. Gareth Carol is a Psycholinguist and Senior Lecturer Department of English Language and Linguistics Birmingham University in Birmingham England.

His book Jumping Sharks and Dropping Mics can be found on most books selling sites like Amazon in fact here is the link to it.  No need to tell you where he wrote us from, that is pretty self evident. By the way you can do a Candid Conversations interview, all it takes is an email to and don’t forget there is a YouTube channel as well. Zoomed in video interviews and other content is available for viewing. Click over and take a look. See you soon and thanks for coming by.

Cliff T

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Candid Comment - Video Edition - Happy Days

For 11 years Happy Days aired on ABC and was a cult favorite. It features the Cunningham Family Richie, Joanie Marion and Howard and of course the Fonz. The show was pretty clean cut for the most part but, as the time passed the antics got sillier and the show deviated from the story of your Richard Cunningham to the Fonz and his role as hero. While the show was a fan favorite it eventually did lose credibility to a degree after the episode featuring the Fonz jumping the shark. Another notable thing about this show was the implied sexual tone, though never really explicit it was pretty clear that sexual activity was pretty hot and heavy. That said no real sex scenes appeared on the show, just a lot of so called making out. What really ended it thought, in my opinion, was the fact that Fonz could do no wrong always got the girl and could do things that really were just impossible. Overall this show was positive and fun, but it just got to silly to really be credible any longer and in the end finally came to an end with Joanie and Chachi get married. A great show that just got way to silly and unrealistic but, even today is still loved and watched in syndication.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Candid Conversations Pick - My Movmember Page

Movember is upon us.  The annual event to support Men's health and cancer prevention specifically prostate cancer is off and running.  Besides the physical there is the mental health aspect as well. The prevention of suicide amongst men is important.

I was asked to jump into the Movember band wagon by a colleague at work who has been touched by cancer, he has been cancer free for 10 years.  I also have a brother in law who has been touched by cancer as well.  In fact a number of my family have been.  My grandmother namely, was felled by cancer in the 80s.  What got me into this though was the mental health aspect.  Men generally like to think they are tough and can handle things on their own.  Which can lead to some bad outcomes re mental health.  

Back in the 90s I was foolish got involved with a lady I should never have gone near and it took me a long time to get mentally well again.  About 2 to 5 years.  This included engaging with a mental health professional to get sorted out.  That was after nearly jumping in front of  a train.  So yes it's important to support causes like Movember.  This year I joined and am for Movember I am setting a goal of 200 dollars.  I would love it if readers would drop into the site and drop some coin into the donation box so to speak.  

So with that click over to my Movember Page and thanks in advance for the support.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Candid Comment - Traveling While Disabled - It's Up To You To Plan!!

Recently Air Canada had to admit that they goofed when it came to dealing with a passenger who is blind.  Dana Wainwright, a Canadian who lives in the U.S. was not allowed to bring her service dog on to the flight home from Toronto to Minnesota.  Her return home was altered, she had to take a train car and then plane home, cost 2000 dollars and a whole lot of ooooo I am not happy with Air Canada.

To be fair the airline does make it clear that persons with service animals must register before the flight. That is on Ms. Wainwright, she should have known that as it was pointed out to her on the inbound leg of her journey into Toronto on AIR CANADA.  Being good sports they allowed the dog to board with her.  That said on the trip home that did not happen.  So where is the fault for Air Canada.  The way they handled it.  The biggest being not wanting to speak with Ms. Wainwright, but with her daughter.  Woah, not cool not cool at all.  They could have also made a second exception to allow the dog on and provided polite but, firm clear instructions, that in future the dog must be registered.  So in reality here both are at fault.  Ms. Wainwright should  have called to check before the flights to ensure the dog would be allowed on board and Air Canada staff should have been more respectful.

I have travelled on planes trains and buses myself.  Locally I am on a bus everyday.  I am aware of the rules for the system I am on, and or I try to be aware of them.

For example:

HSR the local bus company here in Hamilton allows me to ride fare free.  BUT, I have to show proof that I am allowed to do so and that means showing my CNIB card.

GO Transit allows me to ride on on one fare and have a person as guide. If I choose not to have a guide guess what, I pay for the ride.

Toronto TTC allows free travel, but you need two cards, one is the CNIB and the other a special pass that is issued by TTC.  Now a lot of times the staff will allow for a person to go through, like me without the pass from TTC, they know a tourist may come through, or a patron is from another city.  OK but, I have been stopped and yes told I have to pay, and so I did.

In Quebec the CNIB card is NOT recognized so I have to pay for the trips.

On VIA I pay one fare for 2 people.

You see the trend right.  Now to be fair here Ms. Wainwright is not registered with CNIB and that makes things tougher for her in  Canada as a whole. That is where the gap lies.  For now it would probably be wise for her to call ahead and check before traveling.

As for the agencies.  Sure some disabled people are grumpy and not so nice.  Ugh I am so sad to know that this is a thing.  As I work in the service industry and deal with rudeness each day.  But, the job still requires tact and respect as well as integrity and being aware that the situation may require a bit of thinking outside of the box.  I applaud Air Canada for apologizing, that shows that they are listening and want to do better.  

An informed person is going to make better decisions about anything including travel.  Air Canada has staff who can help people with disabilities travel.  It's the Medical Desk team that provides info on hat to expect and what is and is not allowed on a flight.  Westjet and other carriers like them and Air Canada have specific guidelines and it's up to you not them to plan for the trip, whether you are disabled or not.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Candid Conversations - Zoomed In With Dan Henk

I contacted and spoke with Dan Hen, tattoo artist, painter and author / blogger.  It was a fascinating conversation about his work and how tattoos actually work.  It was a surprising and genuinely very interesting conversation.

Here are some cool links along wit the video that explain our interview.  I have never gotten a tattoo, but now know what to expect when if ever I decide to get one, which probably is most unlikely.

If you know someone you want me to do an interview with, or want to do an interview via email or Zoom write to me at: and I will get back to you ASAP.

Speculative Fiction is a broad category of work that encompasses a wide variety of work.

Science Fiction

Theses are just a few of the kinds of genres that are covered.

Check out the Wikipedia link for more info on Speculative Fiction.
H. P. Lovecraft 1890 – 1937

An American writer of Weird Science, horror and Science Fiction.

Works include:

The Book
The Evil Clergyman
The Thing on the Doorstep

Complete Bibliography via Wikipedia.

Japan has a longstanding taboo against tattoos, which remain associated with organized crime. Many beaches, hot springs resorts and gyms do not admit people with tattoos. Companies often expressly prohibit applicants who are inked.Apr 23, 2022 New York Times.

Earth Web has an article that dives into the statics related to tattoos in America.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Candid Comment Video Edition - The Q'Anon Queen of Canada (updated)

Romana Didulo,  is the focus of this comment.  The self proclaimed Queen of Canada has created quite a stir in Canada and is causing a whole lot of headaches for families and officials across the country.  So what should be done to intervene before someone gets killed?

Just to give you a bit of insight, Romana Didulo is a Filipino immigrant who arrived in Canada at age 15.  As an adult she has attempted a few business ventures which have not been very successful.  Eventually diving into the Q'Anon world where we find her today.  She developed her brand calling herself the Queen of Canada, she is anything but a Queen.  

In fact she is more or less a con artist who has duped people into foregoing paying loans for homes, cars and other bills.  It has been reported that followers of this bizzare woman have had homes foreclosed on, property repossessed and utilities switched off for non payment.  She has made death threats, and left people stuck in rural parts of the Maritimes. The most dangerous off all the stunts pulled by followers, an attempted arrest of police officers in Petorborough ON.  

Listed below are key resources linked to this story and video comment.

Queen of Canada: the rapid rise of a fringe QAnon figure sounds alarm.  Article from the Guardian August 2022.

Front Burner Episode. September 2 2022.

Articles from Vice about Romana Didulo.

Wikipedia Romana Didulo.

Canada's House of Commons and how it is structured.  Also of note is our levels of government.  And lastly the judicial systems in Canada. 

Police officers are sworn to protect and uphold Canadian federal, provincial and municipal laws.  As such they are guided by the laws of the land including those governing them.  Yes it is legal to arrest someone in Canada, known as a Citizens Arrest, this part of the law allows under certain guidelines for the temporary detainment of a person.  NOTE you should never do this unless you are sure it is safe to do so and also legal.  NEVER EVER attempt to arrest a police officer.  You will be arrested and could get injured or killed trying that.  You should report misconduct by an officer to their department and the various policing oversight agencies.

Canadian Mental Health Association.  Need help for yourself or member of your family who has become a member of Dudulo's cult, you can do so starting here.  There are other resources you can seek out including financial assistance.  You can find them quite easily via Google.

Update March 24th 2023

YouTube declared the video commentary to be in violation of it's policy.  This is most likely due to a frivolous complaint, probably by some Q'Anon supporter.  Because of this I have removed the content from YouTube and also from this site.  

Friday, September 16, 2022

Candid Pick - Defonic


Most people like to dive into sites to get information, see the latest trends and do some things like connecting with friends.  Some like to visit a site that caters to just goofing off and others like finding and seeing how they can get things done or have a more simplified life.  

A lot of people use sound as a means to relax themselves.  Apps like Calm help people wind down and get ready for bed.  Another site out that does this and possibly other activities is Defonic.  

The idea is to create soundscapes that create a more positive vibe so one can relax and and feel ready to do a task, keep calm or simply just get some much needed rest.  It's an interesting site.  You can see and hear what you can create and they do have a premium service along with a program for PC.

Check them out at 

Friday, September 9, 2022

Candid Comment - Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth the II has died. The queen died yesterday at Balmoral Castle surrounded by her family at the age of 96. The queen was not just a monarch and head of state, she was a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. A woman who publicly held a nation together in the best and not so best of times as well as the states she was head of. In private a funny and engaging character who had a witty side and was very good a throwing a quip on the fly. She was indeed very dynamic and very skilled in the art of diplomacy, though technically she had to be neutral she could and did influence governments.

Personally I never have met any of the royals and I will be honest am not a devotee of the royal family. I do have an opinion about them, but now is not the time to share that. Now is the time to reflect on a life of service well lived and one that made this woman Elizabeth the II Queen of Canada and other nations as well as Britain one of the most beloved people in the world. I along with millions of others across the globe want to extend condolences to the royal family at he enormous loss they have to face and to the British people who have lost their beloved queen. I hope in the coming days that her death will unite the country and indeed the world, and show the world that there are truly decent people who are willing to give their life and time in service to others.

I know some will read this and go gah that family etc. Yes they had and do still have faults but, I have come to understand this one thing. That the royal family in many ways is like any family. They have days when they just get it wrong but overall they are still a family and I do think they do love one another. And just like any other family, and there are lots of them out there today who are facing the loss of a loved one, like those of the James Smith Cree Nation. They are in mourning and the best we can do is to be kind and reach out with a caring word to let them know they are not alone. So with that I close and thank the royals for their service and wish them peace love and healing.

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth,  Long the King, Charles the III.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Candid Comment - Video Edition - Lisa Laflamme Dismissal

The the storm surrounding the dismissal of Lisa Lflamme is not going away.  Bell has begun to push back on the narrative that has been out there for at least 2 weeks that her age was the reason for the dismissal.  Citing business decisions as the reason and stating that they do not intend to comment much further on the matter has only fueled the anger over how Bell did the deed.  There have been hundreds of people let go from jobs in media, radio and TV is not what it used to be and frankly speaking it's blogs like this one and YouTube channels like the one I have that people view to get news more often than from radio and TV.  Though it must be said that TV and Radio outlets still out match bloggers and YouTubers.  The point is the audience is fragmented.  And there is a case somewhat for the decision to let Lisa go.  The problem is how it was done and also what is left.  The speculation has caused Bell to lose the PR battle and the narrative and for Omar Sachedina who took the job it's not a blessing but a curse.  Should he have taken the role, NO.  I explain why in my commentary on this affair.  And I outline what I think Bell needs to do to fix this.  I will agree that to an extent Lisa made some errors as well, but overall....his is on Bell.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Candid Comment Video Edition - Delivering Uber Eats

In this video I explain how to do Uber Eats and Door Dash deliveries while walking and I compare it to what it would be like on a bike. I explore the challenges of doing a walk order vs a bike one. Especially while using Google Maps. This is from the view point of working in Hamilton Ontario. FY I have not done any Door Dash deliveries yet and my tricycle is supposed to arrive in a few days.

I am planning on posting two more videos this week both commentaries and I am going to also see if I can link one Zoomed in with a Candid Comment.  So come back and take a look I think you will find these quite interesting. By the way I do mention Door Dash in the video but I have not done an order delivery with them just yet so the video really is more about Uber Eats.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Candid Conversations Interview - Addicted To Stupidity - Claudine Marlett The Voltwain Collective

I am always searching for the next interesting story to upload to Candid Conversations. I definitely found one recently that really caught my eye. It’s a book Titled Addicted To Stupidity. Now here is the interesting thing the book is that it is written by an author who is not named, but is part of a group called the Voltwain Collective. I reached out and contacted Claudine Marlett who is the PR person for the collective. Claudine thank you for dropping in for a chat on the Candid Conversations blog.

Claudine M.: It is my pleasure, Cliff. We are enthused to communicate with anyone who would like to know more about the book, the Voltwain Collective, and how to create a Common Good for the Good of All

Cliff T.: What a hook, this title Addicted to Stupidity just reaches out an grabs ones attention. Obvious and intentional. What has been the reaction to the book?

Claudine M.: In regards to the title and the wonderful cover art by Mr. Fish, the reaction has been visceral – many love it, because they think it applies to their 'foes' and others recoil from it because, I think, they feel personally affronted. Nobody seems to be neutral and that was our intention, as you presciently noted.

In regards to sales, well, to be candid, it has been a bit mixed. Our commercials and videos are getting good traction, but people are not buying the book in large numbers...yet. But that is okay, because, even though we would love to sell lots of books to help fund the 'revolution', what the book is about is how we, the excluded middle, must act to make a Common Good for the Good of All, since nobody is going to give it to us accidentally, intentionally, or by trickle down. As such, we are freely distributing books in coffee shops and neighborhood libraries to get this fabulous book in the hands of an overwhelmed public who are in desperate need of some well reasoned common sense.

Cliff T.: This book is not a commentary on left or right from what I see in the press release, but rather a direct message to both sides of the political and social specturm in the U.S. Would that be a good summation?

Claudine M.: Both sides, all sides, everyone. The book explicitly reminds everyone that anyone is, because of bias, ideology, or prejudice, capable at any moment and for long durations of time of suffering from an addiction to stupidity. That is certainly the case in the US, where the disinformation culture has been addicting large swaths of minds to the blissful drug of 'make your own truth' since the US' inception.

Cliff T.: From what it looks like the book sort of has a feel of a mix of story and if you will analysis of the landscape of America on the social and political level Would I be right in that assumption?

Claudine M.: Yes, precisely, but the analysis is always from the narrator's Point of View and perspective, as he recounts Vermont and US history to help explicate how the US has come to the point of sociopolitical economic and environmental crisis.

Cliff T.: With that said the book also speaks to how the situation may be fixed. So is this a box that also provides some hope of or for a solution to what is going on in America today?

Claudine M.: Although this book, through witty analysis and humorous critique, as well as serious philosophical examination, presents the case in the US as critical, it is, however, the most optimistic book I think anyone may ever read. It not only presents a doable plan for the creation of a Common Good for the Good of All, but demonstrates not only why we should pursue such a plan, but also that we must ethically do so post haste.

Cliff T.: Claudine, can you tell us a bit more about Voltwain, and what your organization does?

Claudine M.: I will gladly tell you what is both prudent and safe, for our members, to share with you. The book itself explains not only who are Voltwain, but why Voltwain must remain anonymous for both the artistic scope of the work as well as its social intentions. The book is, in part, both a litmus and Rorschach test of the audience's biases, meaning – if the reader knows the identity of the author(s), they will alter their interpretation of the data, themes, and meaning of the text, which is a major problem in the US, i.e. ad hominem argumentation, whether than scientific, philosophical analysis of issues and ideas.

The Voltwain Collective includes students, educators, former clergy, farmers, ex-cons, business owners, artists, writers, the homeless, and chefs working cooperatively to bring about a Common Good for the Good of All. However, anyone who is doing the same is automatically a member of the Voltwain Collective. We have, in the past, conducted Free Food For All shareaways, given farm animals – poultry, rabbits, pigs, and sheep to many farmers or homesteaders throughout New England, conducted teach-ins and protests and generally assist any in need in any way at the Collective's disposal.

Cliff T.: I noticed that your authors like to remain anonymous, that is interesting. What is the reason behind that?

Claudine M.: As mentioned before, as a work of literature for Addicted to Stupidity to be effective it must challenge every readers' biases, not only our ignorance and ill held beliefs. In the US, and probably all the world, ideas are discarded and attacked not because of what is said, but because of who said it. When what one is allowed not only to say, but also to think, is dependent upon your gender, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation, ideas, minds, and consciousness are the losers.

Cliff T.: How did the organization start up what was the reason behind the creation of Voltwain?

Claudine M. The Voltwain Collective's originating event was a gathering of old and young 'artivists' at the Philosophy Farm and Truth Nursery, in Vermont. And, to risk sounding awfully repetitive, its purpose was and is to Create a Common Good for the Good of All.

Cliff T.: Will there be a sequel to Addicted to Stupidity?

Claudine M.: Well, that is a tricky question, since it addresses a major thread and theme in Addicted To Stupidity, and to answer definitively yes or no would be to give away too much of the story. But I can say this, you will certainly hear a lot more from the Voltwain Collective. In particular, they are coming out with a series of videos featuring Venus Sophia and the Toothless Philosopher discussing and explaining topics intrinsic to the book and the Collective.

Cliff T.: Where can people find Voltwain and the works your authors produce?

Claudine M. Addicted to Stupidity is available on Amazon and Voltwain has a channel on Youtube, which is the mouthpiece of the Collective.

Cliff T.:Excellent Claudine thank you for the time and the interview. It’s been nice hearing about the Voltwain Collective and Addicted to Stupidity.

Claudine M.: Thank you very much, Cliff, for the kindness of conversation and the opportunity to share our ideas not only with you, but also your intelligent audience.

As mentioned above for more info on the book take a look at these links

Purchase Links: Amazon


Claudine Marlett is the Public Relations person for the Voltwain Collective and she dropped in to do a Candid Conversation from somewhere in the USA.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Candid Pick - Weird Houses Weird Album Covers Weird Clothing

Ok my poor brain is hurting looking at these but, I am also laughing as well.  The Daily Funny has some pretty funny stuff and yes weird stuff too.

Cringe Worthy Houses, O M G the homes pictured here are just gah my gawd really really awful looking, so much so that it is kind of funny.  One example shows a bathroom with tall grass like turf in it.  Others with stairs that are not correctly set and some homes are just wow UUUUUUGLY.

Ok art  is subjective even in the world of music.  I will give these artists one thing, they certainly showed that they are creative.  Fleetwood Mac and Gary top the list with their album covers for Getting Down to Business.  The photo and the music are cheesy nuff said.  Ass for Fleetwood, Mac Mystery To Me.  Creative that is all I will say.  Then again what can you say about an ape eating a cake a book and doing that on a beach.  NOTHING absolutely Nothing.

This last one really, I have to say is funny.  People out shopping in some pretty wild looking clothing.  Some I bet were encouraged to don the apparel listed in these photos.  And there you have 3 links to one site featuring some rather interesting photos of places things and people.  All from the Daily Funny at You will see more from this site posted by me down the road.  

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Candid Comment - ODSP, The Reasons Why I Thank God I Have Job

In Ontario there is a program that permits persons with disabilities to have some income to live on.  It's actually quite a bad joke.  The rate stands at 1169 and is set to increase to 1227 in a few weeks.  The minister responsible for the program came across looking dimwitted in a recent news conference.  He clearly knows that a 5% increase does not make a difference in the lives of those on the program but he and premier Doug Ford insist that they understand the environment.  The man makes 10x the amount per annum.  The Premier comes from a relatively wealthy background.  165,000.00 per year vs an ODSP recipient who makes 14,000.00.  Who does the minster think he is kidding.  Ontario rental rates have ballooned to incredible heights and the best a person on ODSP can do is rent a room or live with someone as a roommate.  As for food and medical expenses it comes down to choice eat, get meds, or pay rent. In effect ODSP has become like a jail for it's clients.  They are locked into a world of poverty that they can almost never get out of.   

My mother, God rest her soul, wanted me to go back on to ODSP.  The conversation did not go well.  The point is that no one lives on ODSP you EXIST you do not live on it.  It is a poison pill for the disabled in Ontario.  It is for that reason I choose to work because I can despite the fact that I am visually impaired and entitled to be on the program.  I simply could not live on ODSP.  It's also very difficult to get on the program, it's also so restrictive that you can do very little while on it.  Every action one takes is subject to scrutiny, you loose your privacy on the program.  For example, you have to let your caseworker know if you are going to leave the service area for a period of time, generally a month.  So you can not really take a vacation.  The program allows for the government to look at your banking, so buying an item like a pizza could be questioned.  In other words it's a system that ensnares the disabled into a life of poverty and misery. The thing is that is not what it was set up to do and it is not what social workers want for clients. For the record I have been on the program and thankfully at the time was in a geared to income housing unit.  Had I not been well you get the point.

To be fair to the government the challenges they have are great.  There is so much right now to deal with that ministers are probably very overwhelmed.  But, just as companies and people have to step back and decide what is priority and what is not so does government.  Sorry Douggie that highway project may have to wait a bit.  

Seeing what ODSP offers does give one pause to consider this, if you have a job and you are disabled, be thankful.  I know that I am as I am able to avoid the jail that has become ODSP.  For the rest who have to rely on the system it appears that the Ford government is standing pat no more than 5%.  I think I know why the disabled are getting shafted like this. Simply most persons with disabilities do not vote or at least that is the perception.  Society has this outdated idea that people with disabilities who can work do not want to and those who can not work are OK with a few bucks to keep themselves fed and somewhat housed.  Most people with disabilities do not push back on the government.  Some do but it is not enough to make a difference.  And the majority who do want to push back do not because they fear retribution from the government.  It is not hard to go into a system and exit a so called trouble maker off the program is what many disabled persons on the program think.  So they just say and do nothing to engage.  ODSP in effect takes away agency and undermines the disabled persons right to fully participate in democracy.  

So what is the answer.  Well the first step is to get real about the rate.  In actual terms one needs at least 2000 or more to live in Ontario it would be better to have 2500.  Secondly if we are going to keep the rate low allow the disabled who can work and those who can not work to get income from other sources with no penalty up to 2000 dollars right now you are only allowed 200 each month.  Here is another kicker for you to consider that may need a change.  In order to be allowed to apply for benefits.  You have to scale down your net worth.  This means you must use any RRSPs and in effect liquidate any assets down to a certain level.  Here is the thing while it is true you can own your home, you can have a car and are allowed assets they can not be very high and to an extent that is reasonable.  The problem is most people with s disability are not worth a lot of money and allowing for 200 a month would mean it would take one 16 years to get 40,000 dollars which is not counted by ODSP.    

What is the point of this post?  Simply to start the conversation about ODSP reform and possibly OW reform.  The Ford government needs to invite engagement with the disabled who are on the program.  The solution is not  direction from government but rather, it is direction to government to reform a system that is not effective.  It is time to get serious and talk with the disabled about ODSP.  It's time to look at ways to allow clients to gain income without penalty while ensuring that the program does what is supposed to which is supporting the end user.  If the government wants to maintain the 5% increase then the reforms in how much a person is allowed to earn while on the program needs to be changed.  Things like the spouse in the house rule has to go and other reforms that balance the system so that it stops being a cesspool of poverty and one that actually does help need to be considered and actioned.  This program does not work and has not for too long.  The question is, is anyone listening and willing to take action?

The first step of course is education.  Check out Steps to Justice at  The site has some good explainers on what ODSP allows.  You can also learn more about the program by visiting the Ontario Disability Support Program website.  And if you want to start the journey and learn what the issues around ODSP are start with this GOOGLE search.  For the record social workers do a fantastic job overall when it comes to helping clients on ODSP, the challenge for government on this file is real and I do believe there are some really good people in government who want things to be better for the disabled.  That said as mentioned, it's time to talk with not at the disabled.  

Friday, August 12, 2022

Candid Conversations - Zoomed In With George Siegal - The Last House Standing Documentary

This video features George Siegal a documentary producer and director. He created a documentary called the Last House Standing. This doc is about the how weather and other disasters mixed with poorly built homes leads to massive losses for the victims who must pick up the pieces. The cycle keeps repeating and will only get worse if we do not change how homes are built. is is where you can find more information. George spoke with me via Zoom from his location in Tampa FL.
Below is the link to the YouTube video.  This is a video that may be disturbing to some audiences discretion is advised.

The documentary can be found on Tubi.  

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Candid Pick - World Happiness Report


Ok this is interesting, there is an organization that surveys people in up to 150 countries with respect to happiness.  That is an interesting thing given that there are a lot of not so happy people out there.  

The report covers a range of topics and is global in scope.  This is a deep dive report and there are 158 pages so it is not a light read.  To see the actual report you want to connect via this link,  I took a quick dive into the report but, did not fully read it.  Needless to say it is very detailed.  

Another interesting note is the fact that the report had been issued yearly.  The idea began in 2012 and this the 10th year the report has been published.  This pick is a real geek thing, if you are into stats and reports you will find this an interesting read.  That said, enjoy and thanks for visiting the blog

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Candid Conversations - Zoomed In With DC Glenn of Tag Team Fame Whomp Here It Is

Made with Clipchamp. This interview done via Zoom features the man behind the whoomp DC Glenn. The song was a smash in the 90s and still has legs today. Look it up on YouTube and you see that it's gotten tons of views. Tag Team still does shows you can find them on the web at

I spoke with DC about his legacy and where Whoomp has taken him and it's quite a ride that he has had. These days he does some shows but, DC does a whole lot of different things. We discuss the path he has taken to where he is today and how one might get started on their own journey no matter what they want to do in life. The video does not include Whoomp due to copyright but you can search the Googleverse and find lots of ways to enjoy it and learn more about DC Glenn and Tag Team. DC. spoke with me via Zoom from somewhere in the U.S.A If you like this video check out my other video interview with Jodi Krangle. Thanks for dropping by and don't forget to like share and subscribe.

All my videos are on YouTube come by and take a look.

Here is DC / Tag Team doing Whoomp LiVE!

Here is the actual video from YouTube.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Candid Pick - Tennis Blogs - An Old Mixed Nuts Article

This is an old post from  Mixed Nuts my other blog that I recently merged here.  Interesting side note it ranked number 1 for views on the site.  So I thought why not showcase it here on Candid Conversations.  The post appeared Sept 3 2011.
To be honest I do not know why I chose to write about tennis blogs.  Maybe it's because I have been speaking with a former colleague of mine as of late.  He is a big sports fan, his passion for tennis was noticeable.  Every chance he got, the TV in the staff lounge would be tuned to TSN and if tennis was on Andrew was glued to the tube.  Andrew is still passionate about tennis but, also likes other sports, this summer he was part of a baseball team here in Montreal.

Anyway back to my thought.  I got to thinking that it might be interesting to see if there are blogs about tennis on the net.  Silly me of course there are blogs about tennis duh.  Below is a list of some that I found interesting.

These were just three I found in a quick search on Google.  There are lots of others out there for you to explore.

Cliff T.
Unfortunately none of the blogs listed in the original article are live any more so I had to look for some new ones here are 3 new blogs.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Candid Comment - Video Edition - Renting in Ontario


Renting in Ontario has become a real chore.  Finding a decent place a nightmare.  Imagine having to pay 3000 dollars when you move in to a home, then paying 1500 each month.  In Ontario landlords are permitted to ask for the first and the last months rent on an apartment, they are also allowed to run credit checks and even ask for deposits in some cases these are non refundable.

In the video below I explore the question do we need to change the way things are currently being done.  I honestly think it is time to overhaul the way renting is done here in Ontario.  It's to aggressive.  The tenant versus the landlord mentality, the ridiculous idea of having to pay 2 months up front when one moves in and the idea that a landlord can say no to a person who has poor credit are all failure points in what should be a system that provides much needed housing for many people here in Ontario and right across Canada.  

Below is my talk on renting in Ontario and how the current system has become outdated.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Candid Comment - Video Edition - Behind the Curtain Look At How Candid Conversations Works

Have you ever wondered about doing your own video or written interview Blog.  13 years ago I started this blog and wow look where it has come.  Over 20K in views.  Now per month the blog is averaging 900 views and there are people who come back and read the blog.  Thanks it really means so much to know that the work put into the blog.

I have created a video that shows how I do research for the blog and how a conversation in written format is done.  Below is the link to the video on my YouTube page.  Take a look and feel free to contact me at if you would like to do a video or written interview.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Candid Comment - Morse Code Relevant or Not

I just realized that this year marks 40 years of playing around with radio. Yep I am still a radio license holder. To be precise I am a holder of an Amateur Radio License. Sometimes referred to Amateur Experimental Service. For the most part we are called hams.

My first call was VE2GOG I held it until I moved to Hamilton in 1986 and then I got VE3TJL fun fact I had wanted TJC but, my bad writing landed me that call. I had it until moving back to Montreal where I grabbed VE2TJL hopped over to Alberta for 3 years and was VE6TJL and then in 2009 I was back in Montreal where I got the cool call VA2UTC. This is a call that is coveted because UTC stands for Universal Time Co-Ordinated. Actually it is UCT. But meh OK I used that call very much especially in contesting. Today and since 2013 I am licensed as VA3UCT. UTC is already taken.

Most of my time on the air has been using what we call phone, speech. In the USB and LSB modes Upper and Lower Side bands. I will explain those in another post but there is one mode that I have sort of dabbled in and that is CW / Morse Code. CW stands for continuous wave. I do not think I need to explain what the code is most people know this already. The question is the relevance of the code in modern times.

Hams still use it and it is still a part of the tests to garner a license to operate here in Canada. Though technically to get on the air Morse Code is NOT required.

Radio Amateurs of Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada speak have information about how to obtain a license and what access the licenses grant.

Just to give you an idea of what a license looks like here is mine.

As you can see it is pretty basic these days LOL. But when I got my first ticket it looked a lot different. Actually you had to have two parts the letter of certification and and the actual license itself displayed. Today all you need to display is the license which doubles as the certificate. To the left is my license and certificate. It shows that I am allowed to use all bands as I am qualified with all 3 levels.

So lets drill down to the why of Morse Code and ask the question is it relevant.

For certain the code has it's place. As noted hams have to have it to operate on the shortwave spectrum this is by design as ultimately frequencies are regulated by the ITU. This UN body sets the rules and determines how radio spectrum is to be used and deemed that hams must know Morse Code to be licensed to operate on the shortwave bands That changed and is no longer the case. Countries like Canada determine what level of skill is needed and offer the band plan as set by the ITU. Now as I mentioned code is not required to get a basic license in Canada, it is if you want to use the shortwave bands. In the U.S. it is not a requirement to gain a license. But in order to use all the bands you do have to have the Extra Class.

Code is still used outside of ham radio. Who uses it?

It is used in Aviation but, pilots do not have to know the code. Mainly used by stations to help guide the aircraft specifically navigation beacons or stations.

The U.S. Navy still trains intelligence specialists the code.

It has been used to help people who can not speak.

But overall it's use is not as widespread as it was once upon a time. That does not make it irrelevant. Morse code sometimes called the Morse Alphabet could still come in handy. During bad weather or in a cave in or in an underwater accident. The code could be tapped out and because it is specific dots and dashes a simple phrase like SOS can be tapped. In Morse .... --- ... can be heard at long distances where a voice not so much and that has been proven time and time again. Just a note please don't try this as an experiment. Sending such a message when there is no emergency is against the law.

Morse Code remains somewhat relevant and is a good backup mode for getting messages across especially in an emergency. It's a good skill to have and a fun way to send a message as well. The Morse Code system is not widely used anymore but, it's not dead. I would encourage learning it as in reality it is not a code it's the Alphabet in another form that can be used as another form of language.